Dr. Avriel Epps’ Areas of Research

  • Dr. Avriel Epps is a transdisciplinary scholar whose research sits at the intersection of human development and critical algorithm studies. She employs a mixed-methods approach that combines participatory research methods—computational, quantitative, and qualitative—to explore how artificial intelligence both influences and is influenced by the diverse human beings who interact with it. Her work delves into how AI reinforces existing hierarchies based on age, race, gender, health status, and other identity markers, as well as how communities can disrupt these power dynamics and reclaim collective agency.

    A key focus of her research is on the unique psychological and physiological risks and resiliences that youth, particularly youth of color, contend with in an algorithmically driven world. Dr. Epps’ research has been published in outlets across developmental psychology, computer science, and communication studies, and she strives to make her work widely accessible through open science and science communication projects. Central to her work is the question: how does AI entrench social injustices, and how can we intervene at individual, community, and institutional levels to transform an unjust socio technical world?

Academic Publications

  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    Epps, A., Coopilton, M., English, D., Tynes, B.. (under review). Racial/ethnic differences in adolescents’ enactment of critical race digital literacy skills: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. New Media & Society

    Topaz, C., Higdon, J., Epps-Darling, A., Siau, E., Kirkhoff, H., Mendiratta, S., Young, E. (2022). Marginalized Communities are Underrepresented as Creative Contributors. Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 10.31235/osf.io/yd2wh

    Epps, A., Dixon, T.L.. (2017). A comparative analysis of anti- and pro-social rap lyrical themes found on traditional and new media outlets. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2017.1309411

  • Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

    Epps-Darling, A., Cramer, H., Takeo, R.. (2020). Artist Gender Representation In Music Streaming & Recommendations. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Proceedings. https://program.ismir2020.net/static/final_papers/148.pdf

  • Book Chapters

    Epps, A. (In Press). A Socio Algorithmic Systems Variant of The Bioecological Model of Human Development: AI, Big Data, and The New Challenges of Researching Digital Natives. In: Gipson, B. J., Noble, S. U., & Zidani, S. (Eds.) Intersectional Internet II: Power, Politics and Resistance Online. Peter Lang Publishing.

    Bravo, D., Jeffries, J., Epps, A., Hill, N.. (2019). When Things Go Viral: Youth’s Discrimination Exposure in the World of Social Media. In: Fitzgerald H., Johnson D., Qin D., Villarruel F., Norder J. (eds) Handbook of Children and Prejudice. Springer, Cham. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12228-7_15

Public Facing Publications